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Bad Buyer: ricf.w0


Purchase date:September 2020
Buyer's name:Chen Xiaojian aka "Richard F. Watts" he changed it after I called him out
Buyer's username:ricf.w0
Buyer's address1140 River Road Apt 7079345, New Castle, DE 19720
Buyer's country:China
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Computers & Networking

Alright, guy buys my CPU at full price. Immediately I notice the oddly long apartment address, and I knew this was going to be a fun customer to deal with.

Upon copying and pasting the address, I find out that theres been OTHER scammers with the same address. In the comments section the list goes on about people who have had buyers with this same address, also scammed. Long story short, I messaged Chen who "Just wanted the CPU without the fan" and politely informed him that the address given was a known scamming address. I cancelled the order, refunded the money, and I haven't heard anything from him since.

The only thing I noticed going back and checking on his account, with 11 Positive reviews (probably from other booster/scam accounts) was that he changed his name to "Richard F. Watts". I personally don't know any Watts, a Smith probably would've been more convincing.

Anyways that's my story, don't sell to anyone with that address. It's a third party Chinese shipping company, and regardless I wouldn't ship my goods half way across the world to be at the mercy of "Oh I didn't receive the item".

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