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Bad Buyer: Scott Prentice <>


Purchase date:March 2016
Buyer's name:Scott Prentice
Buyer's username:Scott Prentice
Phone number:425-232-4099
Buyer's address30814 Swede Heaven Rd Arlington, WA 98223-9263
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Cell Phones & PDAs

Another illerate moron that cant read anything whatsoever. This moron will file disputes claiming non receipt of merchandise when this he knows item was shipped. Also knows exactly how long the item will take to ship, and instead of contacting company this asshole will file disputes deliberately to steal the merchandise from company. Sellers cancel his orders, he's nothing but an illerate jackass that cant read. Will file fraud disputes and come up with dumbass excuses and lies.

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