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Bad Buyer: national_closeouts


Purchase date:October 2020
Buyer's name:Bonifacio Lopez
Buyer's username:national_closeouts
Phone number:786-488-2576
Buyer's address1371 NW 74th St, Miami, FL, 33147
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal

Bonifacio Lopez is a complete liar and a huge pain in the ass to work with. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THIS PERSON. Sold this person a new item in perfectly working condition, yet this idiot didn't know how to use it. I sent multiple emails detailing how to use the item, yet this douchebag expects emails to returned with seconds and gets mad if it takes a few hours to respond to emails. This idiot also demanded me to call to provide support. This is an extremely difficult person to work with so DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THIS PERSON. In the end, Bonifacio Lopez got extremely upset I took a few hours to respond to an email and wrongly claimed the item I sent did not work.

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