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Bad Buyer: maelkointernational <>


Purchase date:July 2017
Buyer's name:Ljupco Popadinovski and Elena Andonovska
Buyer's username:maelkointernational
Phone number:385 01 3745948
Buyer's addressŠestinski dol 86G 10000, Zagreb, Democratic Republic of Croatia
eBay item #:332285253667
Buyer's country:Croatia
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Everything Else

These 2 wonderful individual made false claims against multiple seller and tries to extort or blackmail refunds with negative feedback. They are not cooperative and are scammers.

Reported at:
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This is a false claim and I have emailed this website more than 50 times, but no response from their end.
1. The other person that is mentioned in this report (Elena) never had an eBay account, and the reporter of this false claim found her on Facebook.
2. The purchase date is July 2017 and this report was made on March 3rd, 2018. Why wait so long?

Posted over 3 years ago by 172.68.X.X Report as SPAM

because fuck u elena!

Posted about 3 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM
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