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Bad Buyer: kazz281


Purchase date:December 2018
Buyer's name:n/a
Buyer's username:kazz281
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal

This user has potential racial discrimination problems
He is top seller himself,so he clearly knows ebay page shows where the item shipped from

Many Chinese sellers have shipping warehouses in the United States, concentrating Chinese - made goods to warehouses in the United States. After eBay buyers place orders, goods will be shipped directly from warehouses in the United States. So item location on ebay's merchandise page says the location of the U.S warehouse. However, the registration information of Chinese sellers can still be seen as Chinese companies.

This kazz281 will send message to Chinese seller,questioning if they are telling the truth about the item location,because they are Chinese companiese. In his mind, it has been preset that all Chinese sellers have problems with their integrity.

After seller explain,he will reply like yeah,you just chinese company,bye . or something like that.
Although he did not directly use any words of racial discrimination, we can see his attitude towards the image of the Chinese people.

Therefore, if you are a Chinese seller. There is no point in talking to him.

【We are a non-profit organization seller protection team, and we will protect you when eBay refuses to protect your interests. We will expose to you the bad buyers we have observed and some other matters that need attention 】

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