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Bad Buyer: chejas5 <>


Purchase date:November 2020
Buyer's name:Jason Williams
Buyer's username:chejas5
Phone number:6033313266
Buyer's address53 CHAMPAGNE LN NORTH STRATFORD, NH 03590-6325
eBay item #:311040842540
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal

This buyer is a menace to eBay. Have a look at the feedback history, the feedback he's posted for others. Falsely claims he didn't receive the order, however the package was delivered. He later admits he's a pathetic liar and did get the package. I posts almost exclusively negative and neutral feedbacks. From what I can tell most of them are in an attempt to defraud the sellers.

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If you set out to make me think today; mission accomplished! I really like your writing style and how you express your ideas. Thank you.
Roy Jones Jr.

Posted over 3 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

The seller is in breach of ebay contact by providing customer detailed. The seller can also be sued for giving out personal information. Ebay has done this before to seller who uses this site.

Posted about 1 year ago by 72.220.X.X Report as SPAM
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