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Bad Buyer: davidheidi.07 <>


Purchase date:June 2016
Buyer's name:David Hulowski - Hulowski Line Boring
Buyer's username:davidheidi.07
Buyer's address1103 McKinney Link NW, Edmonton, AB T6R 0B8 Canada
Buyer's country:Canada
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Computers & Networking

Our exact message to the buyer after their claim of not receiving;
"It is more than unlikely that these items were not received. They were entered as 2 separate orders and sent in 2 separate envelopes as if it were unknown that there were two orders from the same buyer. Please see it from our point of view. This scenario is unheard of."

This buyer placed 2 separate orders with us on Ebay on the same day and there were no orders before or after this until the exact time a claim was acceptable to start. It was clear that they were shipping by regular mail. The intent of keeping the items for free after the fact is there.

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