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Bad Buyer: clabai41 <>


Purchase date:October 2018
Buyer's name:claire bailly
Buyer's username:clabai41
Phone number:660193121
Buyer's address200 chemin du picou Rhône-Alpes 01600 Miserieux France
eBay item #:372430198328
Buyer's country:France
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Clothing, Shoes & Accessories

SELLER'S BEWARE!!!!! DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND AVOID SELLING TO THIS PERSON! Buyer purchased an expensive pair of shoes from me in October and then opened a return case stating the item arrived damaged, when that wasn't the case at all! The real reason for her return or so she said in the ebay case, was simply because the shoes didn't have a full box which was stated in my listing multiple times, but she failed to read that part. As an honest seller I accepted the return to simply make her happy even though she was clearly misusing the ebay return system and making false claims about the item so that I would have to pay to have the item shipped back. When the shoes finally got returned to me in the mail on November 6th 2018, I opened the package and low and behold she had worn the shoes MULTIPLE TIMES!!!!!!! The shoes were so severely wrinkled and extremely dirty, the material on the shoes which was iridescent was now scuffed up and torn in places, all the insole writing had come off from multiple uses and the bottom of the shoes, which were originally icy were completely black and covered in what looked to be mud! Needless to say the shoes are no longer sellable so now I am out the money from the transaction, my original SELLABLE item, and her return shipping from FRANCE, which is not cheap!!!!!!!! This buyer should be kicked off of ebay and shouldn't be allowed to purchase anything from anyone! Instead she got all of her money back plus the money that I paid for the original shipping. She made out like a bandit, WHAT A JOKE!

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Le litige a résolu en ma faveur ! Ce qui prouve bien votre malhonneté !
Je vous déconseille d’acheter chez ce vendeur car il vend des produits d’occasion et fait passer pour du neuf !!!!

Posted over 5 years ago by 141.101.X.X Report as SPAM

No you just got lucky! But I have reported you to the police so we will see how lucky you continue to be

Posted over 5 years ago by 172.68.X.X Report as SPAM
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