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Bad Buyer: Frank Sims <>


Purchase date:November 2021
Buyer's name:Frank Sims
Buyer's username:Frank Sims
Phone number:979-571-3702
Buyer's address11874 Cochise Cir Conifer, CO 80433
eBay item #:Moron Tries To Play Games When Buying Items.
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:Credit Card
Category:Cell Phones & PDAs

Here we go with another moron idiot that thinks he's going to get away with is moron games when it comes to buying things online. Even though the policies are stated on every landing page during the checkout, this moron thinks he can violate them purposely and put you at risk. He thinks no one is going to find out about his games and then shortly after he'll no doubt file a fraud dispute claiming the same things he had violated. Wondering were your item is? check with another seller when you start to play your games with them. Your blacklisted moron!

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