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Bad Buyer: ianc <>


Purchase date:March 2021
Buyer's name:Ian Cameron
Buyer's username:ianc
Phone number:250-652-1260
Buyer's address7190 Babington Lane
Buyer's country:Canada
Payment method:PayPal

This person is a teacher of psychology in the university of victoria in Canada. Uses paypal to scam sellers from another countries. After package passes canada border he claims that he never made this transaction. Reported to his university, reported to canada police.

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Sellers beware of this loser bitch con artist. This moron Ian Cameron will buy an item and then email you left and right making up bullshit stories that they bought the wrong item. Then this asshole will file AZ claim stating he has not received the item. A real crook.

Posted almost 3 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM
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