1.4 percent of online sales are fraud.

Bad Buyer List is a database for online sellers who have encountered problematic buyers and want to share their experiences with other sellers. Online sellers can search for potential bad buyers and avoid frauds and scam traps.

Instruction: you can search in our bad buyer list or report a bad buyer.

# Reported a bad buyer, but not received the confirmation mail?

Random bad buyers

Name/Username E-mail Phone Reported at Comments
sonsin gleton 8094712331 2022-02-16 0
castan12cenais 2011-08-20 0
Tetiana (aka Tatyana) Trubchanin 973-947-6185 2020-03-30 2
Linda Juan 07425900580 2019-10-04 10
James manuliak 4166766186 2020-11-02 0
Alexis Thomas 7404885675 2021-03-30 0
Roger De Backer 2020-10-23 0