Details: | Shaaron bought a $4 pack of vacuum cleaner bags from me with a $3 shipping charge. Evidently the price, shipping, product, etc, was all good but the wording of one sentence in my included "thanks for your purchase" note offended her so she posted a negative feedback for me! In the thank you note I provide my email address and do ask buyers to contact me first instead of opening an eBay claim if something's wrong. She posted me a nasty negative for "begging her not to contact eBay" and will not communicate. She also gave a previous seller a neutral for selling for too high a price. Unless you can provide 110% satisfaction, you'll probably get a negative from Shaaron Cox. |
January 3, 2022. I just now stumbled across this page. I have no idea what this person is talking about. I do remember purchasing vacuum filters from someone 2 years ago at the start of Covid, but I don't recognize anything this person has written about.
Posted almost 3 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM