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Bad Buyer: cananc_8hhvx5mky


Purchase date:September 2014
Buyer's name:Nancy Papalia
Buyer's username:cananc_8hhvx5mky
Buyer's addressk0a1l0
Buyer's country:Canada
Payment method:other
Category:Sporting Goods

Not sure if this person was trying to scam me or if this is a classic case of newbie buyer??

She purchased some goalie gear from me, and marked the system as payment sent. I didn't receive any official paypal or ebay notification stating that payment was sent, so I was patient and possibly thought the system was just delayed. About two days later I get an email from her stating that she sent payment, and she wanted to know why her item wasn't shipped. So, I replied that I received no such payment, and that ebay or paypal never sent me official notification of a received payment. I double check with ebay and paypal and no payment was sent.

So, in final I never shipped the item and this buyer received an unpaid item mark on her account. In the end, I blocked her.

I wanted to warn other sellers, don't sent items out unless you official receive payments from the ebay & paypal system. Always, check and verify your payment status.

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