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Bad Buyer: sahus-7801


Purchase date:February 2021
Buyer's name:Sarah Hussain
Buyer's username:sahus-7801
Buyer's addressKeighley, West Yorkshire BD20
eBay item #:284158247299
Buyer's country:United Kingdom
Payment method:other
Category:Health & Beauty

Sarah Hussain from Keighley, West Yorkshire bought our product and quickly filed a non delivery report two days BEFORE the item was due, demanding a refund saying she needed the product the next day. We explained the product was not due to arrive until Monday. On Monday she reported non delivery again, we asked her to wait until Wednesday due to Royal Mail taking longer with Covid-19 issues and adverse weather (there was lots of snow in Yorkshire at the time). On Wednesday we received another notification from Sarah Hussain claiming non delivery and issued a refund. All the hallmarks of a scammer - very low feedback (just 4 feedback) and her purchase history shows she bought a comparable product at the same time as ours, suggesting she decided from the outset that she didn't want ours and would obtain a refund through whatever means. Most scammers have the intelligence not to report non delivery BEFORE the item is due, this being a giveaway that the non delivery claim is one big lie. Fellow online traders, we recommend you BLOCK sahus-7801 on Ebay so you can avoid wasting much time and giving your stock away for free to Sarah Hussain. Sarah, if you get to read this - we trust this permanent internet record of your underhand activities was worth the £4.99 you scammed from us.

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