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Bad Buyer: unknown


Purchase date:November 2018
Buyer's name:Tatiana Holoveshko
Buyer's username:unknown
Buyer's address27 Merry Lane NP000210540 East Hanover, New Jersey 07936
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:Credit Card
Category:Clothing, Shoes & Accessories

Made an unauthorized purchase on with my credit card information.

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Without knowing it, I had this person's details in my Wish account. I placed an order and noticed by accident that the name and address weren't mine! Now trying to cancel the order...

Posted over 5 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

Same happened to me. Same name and address. Robyn, were you successful in cancelling your order?

Posted over 5 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

Same here. What a piece of shit person

Posted over 5 years ago by 172.68.X.X Report as SPAM

I got the same address but the name was Evhenyi Holoveshko. They purchased a trimmer under my account. Was Christmas shopping and noticed the shipping address was changed. AND NO ONE NOTIFIED ME. BOY AM I HEATED. Thank God they didn't get their product so they refunded me. I'm not happy with wish at all. I called my bank and canceled my card. Too many times has this happened to customers shouldn't be happening period. Pathetic waste of human life. Pure garbage. I think they need to be arrested on fraud . then they might think twice in using someone's credit card. Damn Theives.

Posted over 5 years ago by 172.68.X.X Report as SPAM

Ordered something on wish, made sure to check the address was right only to find Tatiana Holoveshko along with the same exact address the original post had written down in the slot. Don’t understand how this user got access to my account and changed my address. Emailed wish and they refunded me my money but they also shut down my account & told me to make a new one.

Posted over 5 years ago by 172.68.X.X Report as SPAM

Same thing happened to me. $200 computer was in my cart, not ordered yet, with the same name and address. I changed my password and address. If it happens again, I'm deleting wish all together.

Posted over 5 years ago by 108.162.X.X Report as SPAM

After making a few orders ‘think’ (hope!) I noticed the address change to something completely weird as a ‘Tatiana Holoveshko’ to some weird place in US. Think this may be the sign I should get rid of this app. Made a bunch of small purchases, fine, but really don’t need any of this crap, really.

Posted over 5 years ago by 108.162.X.X Report as SPAM

I had this same exact thing happen today, from:

Vytalyi Holoveshko
27 Merry Lane NP000221101
East Hanover, New Jersey 07936
United States

Pretty sure they're the same person. Reset password and everything, now I'm waiting on Wish to cancel my order or at least contact me since their support number leads nowhere...

Posted over 5 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

Same as me, the shipping details were changed to this dude. Piece of shit

Posted over 5 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

Just had it happen to me with the name Vytalyi Holoveshko, what a pos!

Posted over 5 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

I changed my password and address. If it happens again, I'm deleting wish all together.

Posted over 5 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

Think this may be the sign I should get rid of this app. Made a bunch of small purchases, fine, but really don’t need any of this crap, really.

Posted over 5 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

This can't continue happening. This person needs to be arrested now. I'm changing my password and meybe even canceling my account. The problem is that now I can't even find a button to cancel the ship or change my address. I'm FURIOUS.

Posted over 5 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

Here's the address of the shitty person

Vytalyi Holoveshko
27 Merry Lane NP000221101
East Hanover, New Jersey 07936
Estados Unidos


Posted over 5 years ago by 108.162.X.X Report as SPAM

My was also hacked by
Vytalyi Holoveshko
27 Merry Lane NP000221101
East Hanover, New Jersey 07936
United States

Posted over 5 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

I opened the app and I found out that a person called
Tatiana Holoveshko
27 Merry Lane NP000210540
was buying things from my account using my credit card.
Can’t we do something about this?

Posted over 5 years ago by 188.114.X.X Report as SPAM

Same as above posters

Posted over 5 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

Happen to me today. I deleted wish for a few months because it really stressed me out. Now i got i again and orderet some things.
Today i wanted to make a bigger order and saw also this adress. how can this happen????? i mean, usually i would get it if somebody else get into my account and change everything. im also not abile to cancell the adress. any ideas?

Posted over 5 years ago by 141.101.X.X Report as SPAM

Haven't been on wish in a while and was considering purchasing some things from there for the first time today, opened my cart to find an electrical shaver in there which I knew i hadn't put in there. I thought nothing of it and removed it but when i went to check out my products noticed that the name and address had been changed to Evhenyi Holoveshko and the above address! It's a good thing that I don't have my card attached to Wish yet, and now probably won't ever. Deleted my account and made a new one.

Posted over 5 years ago by 141.101.X.X Report as SPAM

Reporter 162.158.X.X filed about 1000 reports during the last year. See "162.158.X.X" site:
He is a scam seller. if he had 1000 bad buyers for the last year.
Jae Ahn
Erin Cleaners
608 Broad St
Riverton NJ 08077-1321
tel. 856-829-2320

Posted over 5 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

I didn’t used the app since couple days ago and I had this adress of a person called Tatiana Holoveshko .. Wish needs to do something about this !!

Posted about 5 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

Just happened to me.. glad I caught it right after I placed my order and was able to cancel right away. Grrrr

Posted about 5 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

Just noticed the same thing, went on wish to find two very expensive cell phones in my cart, for $1380 and found this persons name and address on my account.

Posted about 5 years ago by 172.69.X.X Report as SPAM

I’m having this same issue right now! Not ordered from wish in a few months and just logged on to find that my shipping address is for this Tatiana woman!! I just get an error message when I try to amend my details/email address! This is a serious security breach. Very concerning!

Posted almost 5 years ago by 172.68.X.X Report as SPAM

Same thing happened to me today. I changed my paypal, email, and wish passwords. Luckily Wish cancelled my order, and I hope this address gets blacklisted from Wish.

Posted almost 5 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

I, too, got conned by these people. Not Tatiana but Vitalyi Hiloveshko. I read an explanation that it’s an innocent clearing house and it’s our fault because we already had a virus, so change the password. Bull! I did NOT have a virus. And it’s always the same address, which means those people should end up in prison. There was no contact information on but when I looked at the confirmation email, there was, in tiny print, at the very bottom. I’ll stop payment through my bam on Monday and I have absolutely no desire to do business with Wish because they have allowed this on their website. When we click on it to provide personal information, it takes us to a different site, or perhaps there is a crook lurking on the site. This is Wish’s problem!

Posted almost 5 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

This just happened to me guys and I cant access my Wish account anymore. I have sent several emails to but I didnt get an answer yet. How did you contact them?

Posted almost 5 years ago by 172.69.X.X Report as SPAM

Vytalyi Holoveshko
27 Merry Lane NP000221101
East Hanover, New Jersey 07936
United States attempted two purchases my my wish account of over €2000. The purchase was blocked my by bank and the card cancelled.

Posted almost 5 years ago by 172.69.X.X Report as SPAM

Same happened to me. Any authorities doing anything? How many times can they do this over and over again?

Posted over 4 years ago by 172.69.X.X Report as SPAM

I just got an email from wish about changing my password. I haven't used wish since 2017. I downloaded the app and found that thankfully an old CC was saved on there so I deleted it but the address on file was changed to:
Vytalyi Holoveshko
27 Merry Lane NP000221101
East Hanover, NJ 07936

It's really sad that these people have been doing this FOR YEARS and still have not been stopped

Posted over 4 years ago by 172.69.X.X Report as SPAM

Still happening. Just had a charge for $228, same address, but name was Natalia Yurieva.

Going to the bank to file fraud as I don’t trust wish to give my money back, so hopefully the bank can fix it

Posted over 4 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

New address for Vytalyi Holoveshko is 2265 Briarcrest Dr
Florissant, Missouri 63033
Had a few appear on mine. 21 orders were attempted today from another MO address,but they input MY first and last name.

Posted over 4 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

EXACTLY THE SAME!! except they went by the name of serhii Dovzhyk with the same address - 27 merry lane, east Hanover, New Jersey USA. they bought a £176 iPhone on WISH but luckily wish cancelled the order and I’ve phoned my bank to cancel my card but I just can’t believe WISH is letting this happen. I’ve deactivated my account and I will NEVEr use Wish ever again!!!

Posted almost 4 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

Posted almost 3 years ago by 172.68.X.X Report as SPAM
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