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Bad Buyer: mr.mafiaosno


Purchase date:January 2024
Buyer's name:Felix Badalov
Buyer's username:mr.mafiaosno
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal

Demanded partial refund and threatened negative feedback after receiving item. Claimed a factory sealed item had a problem without ever providing any proof. Buyer refused troubleshooting, warranty service and a return for refund, he was only interested in partial refund and rapidly messaged us with accusatory statements.

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Told the seller INFINIUM that we got a bad toner I even asked the seller he can replace the toner refused went to the store bought a new one said I had a receipt never heard from him? So how is that fair to the buyer? Nobody asked for refund? Contacted Ebay the advised to leave a negative feedback and the seller tried to remove accurate feedback EBay contacted showed proof receipt new toner and they left it end of story.

As a buyer we did all the troubleshooting before buying the toner and it was confirmed even from hp that is was a bad toner?

Posted 7 months ago by 70.190.X.X Report as SPAM

Buyer is now called "foreverlegend"

Posted 6 months ago by 83.171.X.X Report as SPAM

The seller is still a scammer buyer is not called forever legend nor the purchaser name is Felix Badalov

Posted 4 months ago by 174.74.X.X Report as SPAM

The Seller is also a child molester

Posted 4 months ago by 174.74.X.X Report as SPAM

The seller is a former sex offender

Posted 4 months ago by 174.74.X.X Report as SPAM

The seller also goes by:
Irestore LLC So 2 types of schemes and INFINIUM!

Posted 4 months ago by 174.74.X.X Report as SPAM

The seller name is : CHRISTOPHER D MANALIO

Posted 4 months ago by 174.74.X.X Report as SPAM

Serious Sex offender and Child Molestor! We just found out! Do not take your kids to this business or the seller!

Posted 4 months ago by 174.74.X.X Report as SPAM

It looks like doing more research the seller harasses women and recently this was reported by a woman name Kristy predator and sex offender copy and paste link below to confirm?

Posted 4 months ago by 174.74.X.X Report as SPAM
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