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Bad Buyer: natnsty3 <>


Purchase date:June 2013
Buyer's name:Nathan Franconi
Buyer's username:natnsty3
Buyer's address51 Read St, Winthrop MA 02152-2739
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Cars, Boats, Vehicles & Parts

Buyer bought a pair of LED bulbs.
Since the bulbs are polarized sensitive, the bulb did not turn on the first time he inserted it so he unpluged it and rotated it 180 degree and reinstall.
He noticed one of the wire is loosen when he unplug the bulb.
The buyer email us saying we sent him a defective bulb.
We told him we tested all the bulbs before sending out and explained to him the above.
Since the bulb is broken by the buyer so it is not covered by the warranty.
However we asked the buyer to return for replacement.
3 weeks passed and we did not receive his package but a ebay negative saying "Recieved a defective bulb, seller gave me a run around and would not replace".
Buyer, please be fair, we are nice to replace the bulb you damaged, you just refused to return and left us a negative? Do you think buyer is always right?!/nate.franconi?fref=ts

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Bad seller would not accept return

Posted over 9 years ago by 173.245.X.X Report as SPAM
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