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Bad Buyer: bslatky2294


Purchase date:July 2023
Buyer's name:Brian Slatky
Buyer's username: bslatky2294
Phone number:+16315928585
Buyer's address95 13TH AVE WEST BABYLON, NY 11704-4557
eBay item #: 314736771498
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:other
Category:Video Games

I had a brand new Ebay Account and this was my first sale, the same day he received the item, he stated that didn´t work and wanted his money back, i send them links on how to install the spare part for the controllers, but in munutes he said that he tried and didn´t work, that he could accept 50% discount. i agree, since a negative would kill my new account. So he basically make an extortion to get a half price item without saying any word who incriminate him, just an opportunistic person who need to be watch for for his schemes.

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