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Bad Buyer: hazysky73


Purchase date:January 2013
Buyer's name:Martha G.
Buyer's username:hazysky73
Buyer's addressPO Box in Chinle, AZ 86503
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:other

This buyer bought an item from me and never paid, never responded to any messages or invoices and did not respond to the unpaid case process. Unpaid case was closed 29 days after purchase. I spoke to another seller who sold to them. That seller did not receive payment either and had to call the person. According to the other seller, this buyer is nice but doesn't have a clue how to use eBay (this buyer bought a "local pickup" item from that seller several states away!) This buyer has received no feedback although they've purchased several items, leading me to believe they haven't paid for any of their purchases.

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