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Bad Buyer: supj2287-3idvvn2 <>


Purchase date:March 2017
Buyer's name:Zafer Jesri
Buyer's username:supj2287-3idvvn2
Buyer's addressLutz, FL 33558
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal

Buyer admitted to not reading description.

After shipping the buyer sent a message asking if they could cancel, we told them no, as we already shipped. They buyer then became belligerent, and called us various names. Very nasty, avoid!

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its another moron from florida. Once he violates your policies get rid of the asshole. since your never going to do business with him, ship the product, end the transaction and be done with him. Florida people are dumbasses

Posted almost 7 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM
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