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Bad Buyer: jst1lasdream


Purchase date:March 2020
Buyer's name:Jose Torres
Buyer's username:jst1lasdream
Phone number: 631-235-3291
Buyer's address171 Udall Rd West Islip NY 11795-2326
eBay item #:400718788442
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:Credit Card
Category:Health & Beauty

Jose Torres has an habit of finding faults and making non existent claims
Avoid this Low life

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Report seller for ebay policy abuse for providing your information to the public. Seller breach ebay policy. You can have him banned for using this site. Its been done immediately in the past. Keep calling eBay. You can also sue him in court. Keep in mind lawyer these day's don't require money up front or take your case unless they win it. It is against law providing personal data without consent.

Posted about 1 year ago by 72.220.X.X Report as SPAM
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