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Bad Buyer: Samuel Rodriguez <>


Purchase date:August 2019
Buyer's name:Samuel Rodriguez
Buyer's username:Samuel Rodriguez
Phone number:361-571-9439
Buyer's address295 Cody Dr Victoria, TX 77904
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:Credit Card
Category:Computers & Networking

Sellers no matter what you do, get rid of this stupid spicks orders immediately. The second he buys an item and takes delivery of the item, he will contact his credit card company and file a fraud report saying he didnt authorize the transaction. This stupid moron gets caught with filing a fraud dispute with his credit card company, when this stupid piece of shit goes to the website again and completes and signs a form saying he was the one who authorized the purchase. This asshole is a 70 year old spick that is pathetically trying to steal items from anyone he can get his hands on. 70 fucken years old and stealing! He received numerous emails knowing full well what he had purchased and make no mistake this asshole files a dispute 1 week after taking delivery of the item. Trump needs to deport people like him!

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