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Bad Buyer: Corey Pope (facebook name)


Purchase date:April 2014
Buyer's name:Corey Pope
Buyer's username:Corey Pope (facebook name)
Buyer's address466 Georgetown Dr Oregon, Ohio 43616
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Video Games

We did a trade/purchase..I traded him Mario 64, Goldeneye 64 and Mario Party 2 64 for Zelda 2 NES, TMNT NES, Super Mario Kart SNES,Mario World and cash. The cash was through paypal and was fine but only covered the shipping we had prior discussed..the trade was horrible as the games I gave him were clean, pristine and played w/out question, the games I received were dirty, had dead bugs in them and two of them had corrosion/rust of some form.

The trade/purchase was done through one of the many vintage video game groups on FB, which in general have their own feedback lists. This one did not. The admin Quoc Pham unfairly listened to my story and said I did not provide enough pictures and blocked me without a chance of a response..which I provided more than enough pics of the split cartridges, the dirt and rust but because Corey got to the admin w/his lie of a story first, i got shunned while this man still roams the groups, ripping people off left and right. Even as I had well respected members of the groups back me up w/words of my legitmacy I still got banned.

The group is one thing, but Corey is another. This man lied about his sister dying in a fire and losing all his games for petty points in hopes of getting games in return.

I post this here to warn anybody who comes across this name/address to beware. I only wish I could provide more information to ensure he does not rip another legitmate collector off

Buyer's IP address:unknown
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