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Bad Buyer: iamtrufi <>


Purchase date:October 2013
Buyer's name: Tahir Ul Haq
Buyer's username:iamtrufi
Buyer's addressTAHIR UL HAQ 39 WAVERLEY AVENUE BRADFORD West Yorkshire BD7 3HX United Kingdom
Buyer's country:United Kingdom
Payment method:PayPal

This guy will rip you off in any way he can on eBay. Whether it be a partial refund or returning a damaged item. He usually deals in iPods, if you haven't sent an item already, make sure it is tracked, you have multiple photo's, with the item visibly working and you add this guys to your buyer blocked list 'iamtrufi'

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Tahir Ul Haq 2020-01-12


just had him to the same to me over a sky box sellers beware

Posted over 9 years ago by 86.154.X.X Report as SPAM

The persons gave these report is a scammer. He sold me a damaged items and then behaved very rudly. This site is really nonsense to give one side of the stories and those are also without confirmations. This is sort of blackmailing. I am going to take advice from citizebureau about it

Posted over 9 years ago by 5.69.X.X Report as SPAM

The persons gave these reports are scammers. They sent damaged items and then starting abusing and intimidating. This site really nonsense to give one side of unconfirmed stories.

Posted over 9 years ago by 5.69.X.X Report as SPAM

This man Tariq al Haq is currently trying to scam me on ebay. Manfrombfd

Posted almost 8 years ago by 141.101.X.X Report as SPAM

Why don't you all tell the police if he's "ripping you off" don't scam and nothing will happen to your "perfect items"

Posted almost 8 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

Sent me a faulty phone and so opened a case on ebay for returning it for a full refund and so found this forum to call me bad buyer. Well' without confirmation this site has published and declared me a bad buyer. I am on ebay for 7/8 years and have earned around 2000 rating. Now if i was a scammers, will I stay on ebay: I would be jailed or rather blocked ebay. All these sellers scammed me sending me faulty items and now as a backlash declared me here as a bad buyer. I am now contacting appropriate authority to investigate all this nonsense

Posted almost 8 years ago by 141.101.X.X Report as SPAM

See the following site for all the victims of this site

Posted almost 8 years ago by 141.101.X.X Report as SPAM


Posted almost 8 years ago by 141.101.X.X Report as SPAM

Tariq ul haq even bought the parts he needed to switch the S6 prior to buying it. I have reported him to trading standards and his company to companies house and the inland revenue as he declares no turnover. I am visiting the police in the morning.

Posted almost 8 years ago by 141.101.X.X Report as SPAM

Please go to the Police station. Go ahead

Posted almost 8 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

This person is free to go to Police station to hm revenue and he will find everything is crystal clear. I would encourage him to do so. I will be happy to go Police Station so that his fraud of sending faulty items be caught. He has done wrong to me and now for his wrong doing he is teasing me rather. This forum is really a very productive area for such type of sellers to blackmail genuine buyers like me.

Posted almost 8 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

You are reported to ebay customer service for all this bullying. You seemed to be a professional blackmailer. Go to whatever forum you find and I am here on my address to provide any help to Police/HM Revenue or whatever department and then at the end prepare yourself for sueing you for all this blackmailing and harrassment

Posted almost 8 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

And to that samsung edge 6 question about buying parts, its not only you have this phone . We have one with the back broken and we bought some for that. IEMEI is what you can't do anything with and that will prove you sent me which phone. People around are not foolish and childish like you:there are sources which can easily trace which is your item which mine!!

Posted almost 8 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

As far my company is concerned for your info its fully registered with hm revenue as when registered with companies house its automatically registered with hm revenue. Straighten your info

Posted almost 8 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

Tahir actually owns an electronic shop nearby, he's scamming people on eBay to sell or repair items that he sells in that shop. If I see anyone else complaining about being scammed by this guy, I'll post the shop name.

Posted almost 8 years ago by 141.101.X.X Report as SPAM

Hate Bradistan

Posted almost 8 years ago by 141.101.X.X Report as SPAM

You scammed me on ebay mr 141.101.x.x and now malign my name here on this shit site. Give my shop name if you think you are right and prove thats my shop and prove I scammed you: prove it instead barking like a dog!!!

Posted almost 8 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

The above person complaining about the phone has been reported to Police and I have crime report reference. This site has also been reported to ASA and am waiting their action

Posted almost 8 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

One who scams has little life: I have 1800 feedback in the last 9 years as a buyer and if I was a scammer I would be blocked or jailed. Racist word "Bradistan' is a police case and would certainly pursue it

Posted almost 8 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

The comment "Hate Bradistan" has now been reported to Police

Posted almost 8 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

Anyone comments here about please give your contact detail also so that we may talk through Police or court. If anyone thinks he is true in his comments against me I think he must not hesitate give his detail. Police is fully involved in this case now and will sort out sooner who and why is doing this. Waiting your details now: one has already been contacted and I the above racist remark has been put on there by her and Police is contacted again to see in to this

Posted almost 8 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

Ebay is not a child play to scam there and then sell things around!! This badbuyer site is really nuisance as innocent tries to prove their innocence!! But anyway anyone talks against me will be dealt with through Police and I will definitely contact Police as many times as I can as contacted before

Posted almost 8 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

One can easily assess from the racist comment how true the person is in his claim. Bradford is part of UK and I proudly say I am a British citizen and fully abide by its rules and regulations and I will never commit an act to damage its name and its sovereignty and if a moment comes that demands my life I will put it forward to keep it safe and sound as it feeds me and my family and it is so much dear to me!!

Posted almost 8 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

This site should be called badsellers rather than badbuyer as scam sellers use this forum which is just to malign

Posted almost 8 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

This man has called my daughter a dirty English dog and said he is going to shoot her. West Yorkshire police are now aware of this. He has tried to accuse ME of racism???? Can anyone see anything racist in my comments. I have been away since my husband's funeral, but will now have time to fill in the Action Fraud forms and also complete the EBay investigations into his practices.

Posted almost 8 years ago by 141.101.X.X Report as SPAM

Hey, I hate "Bradistan" too. I'm American, your cops can't do shit to me. What's your plan, now?

I actually have your sorry police force outgunned.

Posted over 5 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

I've never even heard of "Bradford" or "Bradistan" before today - but, if it involves mocking the UK, I'm all about it.

I want you to think about this - the richest, most powerful person in your whole nation can do nothing but watch Trump get re-elected. They have less say than some broke-ass chump in a trailer park. That's how unimportant the UK is. That's how unimportant the rest of the entire world is.

Posted over 5 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM
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