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Bad Buyer: mrink <>


Purchase date:October 2022
Buyer's name: Syed Ali
Buyer's username:mrink
Phone number:+1 4132654017
Buyer's addressNY 10005
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Clothing, Shoes & Accessories

This buyer claims that the product is fake for ridiculous reasons.
(His ridiculous reasons : There are little glue marks on the insole and the right insole is about 3~4mm short)
I proved to PayPal and Grailed that it was authentic of course. The claim was also closed with the seller's win.
Then this buyer open a dispute with his credit card company and I was robbed of $560.
PayPal is under investigating penalize buyers PayPal account and recommends reporting to the police and the Financial Supervisory Service...

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