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Bad Buyer: mesw_8501


Purchase date:March 2020
Buyer's name:邱 冬梅 / QZHT AAGEO
Buyer's username:mesw_8501
Buyer's address707 Carson Dr, Bear, DE 19701-1454, USA
Buyer's country:China
Payment method:PayPal

Do not do business with problematic ebay buyer mesw_8501, located in China/Hong Kong.

This buyer is a complete waste of time! They bought my item, then told me they might not want it anymore, but "will think about it". That's right, they buy the item FIRST, and only start thinking AFTERWARDS whether or not they actually want that item. Finally asked for cancellation after several hours, for literally no reason. I do not offer returns or cancellations on any of my items, but had to do it anyways.
Of course, it had to be a buyer from China, called 邱 冬梅 . They have not listed their name in english, but only gave a cryptic code "QZHT AAGEO" for some warehouse in the USA.
Their full shipping address is:

707 Carson Dr
Bear, DE 19701-1454
United States

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Same address and buyer as gre652fs-77 and mfjh34. Bought one item then cancelled and then bought the same with a new pseudo. Probably scammer.

Posted over 4 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

Just got someone that bought from me same address and name QZHT AADRC

I had a bad feeling about him, good thing I checked here. Gonna cancel his transaction

Posted over 3 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

Asking for order cancellation is an evil buyer?

Posted almost 3 years ago by 69.245.X.X Report as SPAM

Annoying for sure but I don't see how this makes someone a bad buyer. That's just a freight forwarding service, and your customer was in China most likely. The "cryptic" billing name is most likely related to the way the freight forwarder identifies who the package needs to go to - I see it all the time at my job. Unfortunately scammers do often use Freight Forwarders but it doesn't automatically equal a scam. They're legitimate businesses used by legitimate people.

Posted almost 3 years ago by 74.219.X.X Report as SPAM

Yep same address just did 3 orders at the same time. all Fraud.

Posted over 1 year ago by 2600:1700:8210:3bd0:f08a:52a2:a894:f7fc..X.X Report as SPAM

We detected the same buyer on - Detected by our Payment Processor as a High Risk Buyer.

Posted 11 months ago by 2603:9001:4101:fac2:d96e:4269:83f:1acf..X.X Report as SPAM

Had the some buyer (other name but nearly same address) for an ebay item I sold to him.

It seems to be a shipping forwarder which is used by many buyers from different countries to get their items forwarded to them.
The silly thing is: I offer worldwide shipping along with advance customs clearance at no additional cost for the buyer and write that in the long and short text of the items I sell on ebay.

There is basically no scenario I can think of in which it would make sense to buy an item from Germany (where I live), have it sent to the US address

707 Carson Dr
Bear, DE 19701-1454
United States

and then have it forwarded to whatever country the buyer lives in. Especially my buyer name is Bulgarian/Slovakian origin, which even makes less sense since both countries are in the EU just like Germany.

DHL informed me that signature confirmation is NOT possible for this address.

Posted 10 months ago by 90.187.X.X Report as SPAM

Here is another address another buyer just used, which is nearly identical:

Veniamin I. (buyer last name removed for privacy reasons)
705 Carson Dr
Bear, DE 19701-1454
United States

To add insult to injury ebay holds the funds for this transaction for 30 days "until the buyer is happy and has confirmed having received the item"

No thank you. Not in the mood of loosing the item and money to this, what most likely is a scam to abuse ebays buyer protection by claiming someone else signed for it (the shipping forwarder) and getting the money back.

My personal suggestion: Never sent to shipping forwarders unless you know the buyer and there are good reasons to use a forwarder, like to combine many small orders in one larger parcel at the forwarder.

This is especially true for buyers which buy from you and give the shipping forwarder address while you offer worldwide shipping in the first place.

Posted 10 months ago by 90.187.X.X Report as SPAM

Just had buyer from 708 bear creek rd with similar style name and one feedback who bought a box- then tried the “defective item” scam

Posted 4 months ago by 2600:387:f:5c18::9..X.X Report as SPAM
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