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Bad Buyer: Rachael Noelle


Purchase date:June 2021
Buyer's name:Rachael Noelle
Buyer's username:Rachael Noelle
Buyer's addressOswego
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal

Buyer left 1* review after item was described well. New in box unopened. Buyer had Buyer remorse, so they decided to leave 1* review stating description needs work. When the item had 10 picture of every angle and was described perfectly. Ever mercari support, said item was well described but don't have the power to change the rating.

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the company can do what they wanted but just dont want to. even if the claim of the buyer is nothing but bullshit. they know what the listing was it was their software you used to list the item, so the listing was per their requirements and you still got fucked over.

Posted over 2 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM
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