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Bad Buyer: alexshinae <>


Purchase date:May 2011
Buyer's name:Danielle Mole
Buyer's username:alexshinae
Buyer's country:United Kingdom
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Toys & Hobbies

Buyer bought a great Jurassic park t-rex rubber puppet. This puppet was in good shape with all teeth intact.
Buyer received item and immediately emailed about a damaged tooth. The teeth were in great shape when I listed and shipped the puppet.
Buyer opened item not as described claim. I answered claim with 'send it back for a full refund'.
Once the puppet arrived I found that it had one of it's prominent front fangs cleanly cut off at the gum line with a knife.
See pictures here:
I think the buyer either switched out the puppet they bought from me with a defective puppet they already owned, or had a buyers remorse over the purchase and intentionally damaged the item to get a 100% refund of purchase price & shipping.
They won the eBay claim and I am out the merchandise plus $54.
Danielle Mole is a very dishonest person. If you are reading this because you are thinking of doing business of any kind with her think twice.
She is not welcome in my shop, I would never rent to her or hire her for any job. Honesty comes from within and the woman is a thief and liar.

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by using this site, you're in breach of ebay policy, If the user would ever report you by using ebay to provide personal information to the public without consent your account will be banned immediately and you can get sue. I have this before.

Posted about 1 year ago by 72.220.X.X Report as SPAM
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