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Bad Buyer: Linda Lux <7076483402@telephone.usa>


Purchase date:November 2014
Buyer's name:Linda Lux
Buyer's username:Linda Lux
Phone number:7076483402
Buyer's address932 Topsail Drive,Vallejo, CA 94591
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:Credit Card
Category:Health & Beauty

Linda Lux, 932 Topsail Drive,Vallejo, CA 94591 .
Linda Lux is asshole. She gave neutral feedback to hurt our store rating , simply because we leave a note in the package to kindly ask buyer to give positive feedback. Linda Lux is unreasonable buyer. Linda Lux is a scamer!

Buyer's IP address:932 Topsail Drive,Vallejo, CA 94591
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Linda Lux 7076483402 2014-11-23


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