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Bad Buyer: jonkao <>


Purchase date:September 2012
Buyer's name:Jonathan Kao
Buyer's username:jonkao
Phone number:65-64289412
Buyer's address2 Shenton Way #18-01, SGX Centre 1, Singapore 068804 Singapore
Buyer's country:Singapore
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Clothing, Shoes & Accessories

Customer opened an e-Bay claim for non-receipt of order which was shipped in good faith. The customer paid for shipping via Priority International Flat Rate Envelope, which doesn't have tracking or proof of delivery. I had offered these shipment methods in the past since it has been an inexpensive shipping option for honest customers. I have changed my policies due to the number of non-payment cases that have been opened, all coming from countries in Asia, Middle East and South America. I can ship to these countries without any problems from my online store, but dishonest e-Bay customers know how to take advantage of e-Bay's unfair Buyer Protection policy, which essentially encourages scam artists to shop on e-Bay. I will soon be closing my e-Bay store, as I can't afford it!

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Even though this is an old post, You can surely report the seller for posting your information to the public, He think that smart by using this site. But it is against policy. He breaking policy by providing your information, He will banned immediately. You can also take him to court and sue him

Posted over 1 year ago by 72.220.X.X Report as SPAM
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