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Bad Buyer: illuminaire <>


Purchase date:January 2015
Buyer's name:Farshid Gazor
Buyer's username:illuminaire
Phone number:951-736-5275
Buyer's address3020 Mangular Ave, Corona, CA
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal
Category:DVDs & Movies

User buys expensive DVDs, claims they are damaged, and returns them. This is not the case, I am a full time seller with a 100% and under grade my items. The guy is a scam artist and a liar.

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Ive had the same thing happen to me on Ebay with a stainless steel serving piece. The client found every angle to to get the item free. I listed the item with everything posted about the condition and object. I even accepted he return the item, but he still tried to claim a dispute for return fees without returning item. Im currently waiting for the return of the item even though my money is being held by PAYPAL/EBay.

Posted over 9 years ago by 173.245.X.X Report as SPAM

I grew up with this guy, know who he is, he has always been this way.

Posted over 8 years ago by 50.131.X.X Report as SPAM

He once set fire to the floor and told me to put it out to teach me about fire safety.

Posted almost 4 years ago by 172.69.X.X Report as SPAM
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