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Bad Buyer: rsnell123


Purchase date:December 2016
Buyer's name:Roger Snell
Buyer's username:rsnell123
Buyer's addressMaineville, OH
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal

Buyer bought the knife in December. After having the item for 12 days, he reported an issue and requested a refund. I told him to go ahead and send it back because I have a 14 day return policy. An argument happens and he called me names and said I had issues. Ebay ruled in buyers favor and told him to get the knife sent back for a refund. All I wanted was the knife back for the refund. Turns out this buyer has a history of reporting issues left through bad feedback for other sellers. I got the knife back today (Jan 12 2017) and couldn't find what he was talking about as an issue with the knife. Went ahead and issued the refund like I said I would from the start, upon receiving the knife and verifying it was the same one I sent him.
Buyer said the issue was that the blade touches the spring when opening. If he's talking about the blade touching the back spring when opening, that's what its supposed to do. Unreal. Block this buyer everyone and happy selling.
P.S. Along with the knife, a cute "I told you so" letter was inside the package.

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