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Bad Buyer: terrasteph


Purchase date:November 2021
Buyer's name:Stephanie Schenner
Buyer's username:terrasteph
Phone number:+49 36961 229993
Buyer's addressErlich 21 Barchfeld-Immelborn 36456
eBay item #:254904194933
Buyer's country:Germany
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Cars, Boats, Vehicles & Parts

Bought some Titanium caliper pistons. When they got to her address, she refused to accept them, so they were returned to me. She then set a return saying she found cheaper elsewhere.
I questioned it with ebay and they found in my favour saying she breached ebay rules. I offered refund without the shipping cost. She refused.
Then raised a dispute outside ebay saying "reason for this dispute is that the buyer didn't recognise the transaction."
She's basically committing FRAUD because we've been messaging each other about this issue.
I'll contact paypal and report her. Maybe the police in Germany if possible.
This is a scammer. Beware!!

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