Details: | 5/3/2014 Sold phone
5/4 Payment received
5/4-5/5 Phone charged overnight
5/5 Shipped via Priority Mail
5/7 Delivered & Signed For
5/28 Case open; buyer claimed phone never worked, won’t charge, bought & installed new battery
5/29 I called Straight Talk: phone activated in last 30 days, still activate/in use on buyer's account.
5/29 Buyer states he bought new battery from Samsung, now phone won’t charge at all. 5/30 Buyer’s: Initial complaint: “does not work, never worked”. Now buyer says: worked until he installed a new battery”?
5/30 There are several Galaxy S2 models, Is replacement battery for SGH-S959G, with proper voltage? Is phone damaged with wrong battery?
5/31 Buyer says battery correct; purchased from Samsung. Says phone won’t charge w/ new battery. Story change: says phone worked with the new battery till it went dead, plugged in for days. Contacted Samsung, gave them battery number to see if 1) proper battery in phone, 2) to order one. 6/1 During 14 days return policy stated in the auction and w/ no modified battery, I would have gladly issued refund. The buyer modified / altered / damaged phone, replaced 4 week old battery.
6/1 Buyer: You are peddling bullshit. You are a liar. You will have the phone returned in the same condition, not modified nor was it damaged and/or "altered", and with all the items that were sent with it. I never put a new battery in the phone, I just told you that to see if I was right about what I thought on how you would try to "spin" this transaction to your favor, something told me you were a fraud. No buyers remorse, just a phone that never worked/charged properly at all.
Summary: Buyer lied repeatedly from time case was filed saying he bought a new battery (Lie disclosed in 6/1 email). Buyer’s statements are inconsistent: first the phone doesn’t work/never worked, then phone worked until the “new” battery died (Story changed 5/30 email). Buyer is trying to bully me into a refund. Buyer is verbally abusive, calling me a fraud & liar." |
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