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Bad Buyer: Antonnia Dalton <>


Purchase date:November 2019
Buyer's name:Antonnia Dalton
Buyer's username:Antonnia Dalton
Phone number:404-333-1107
Buyer's address178 Cherokee Drive Jackson, GA 30233
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:Credit Card
Category:Computers & Networking

Sellers no matter what you do, stay the hell away from this wacked out bitch. First she will buy an item from your online store, then refuse to answer 1 weeks worth of emails. Two weeks later you get hit with a fraudulent chargeback from this bitch saying she didnt authorize the transaction. The asshole still continues to avoid you at all costs when you call this cunt regarding the dispute she filed and her bullshit stories. You send her a collections letter and tell her right off the bat that this bitch committed fraud and then are taking her to court. She will then send you a letter back trying to blame you for why she filed the dispute. She tries to steal from you on purpose and all she's concerned about is the tone of her letter saying if she doesnt pay the damages your going to take her sorry ass to court. When you do a background check, you'll see there's court trials and other things from her to her entire family. This bitch will steal from you and make up any lame ass excuse to steal from you. Refuse her orders. Dont play this bitches games before she has her online store and knows how to try to steal merchandise via filing fraud disputes when she thinks the item shipped.

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Let me give you some legal advice. If you haven't spoken to an attorney, don't ever threaten a lawsuit.

I see so many people talking about suing and calling the cops on this site, and they have no case. Here are some frequently misunderstood points:

1. Defamation (slander/libel) is a civil matter, not criminal. The cops give zero fucks.

2. When you sue someone, with few exceptions, you have to file the suit in the defendant's jurisdiction, not your own.

3. Sellers are responsible for the courier they hire for delivery. That is to say, if you choose UPS and UPS loses your stuff, that's on you, not on the buyer. It doesn't matter what your "terms" are. You hired the courier. They are your "agent" in the transaction. You're responsible for their performance. I get it - you have no real control over what UPS, USPS or FedEx does, but that's not how the law sees it.

Posted over 4 years ago by 172.69.X.X Report as SPAM

Another stupid asshole buyer like you. No shit dumbass!

Posted over 4 years ago by 172.69.X.X Report as SPAM

Its exciting voice about the barrel can cause dangle. The barrel can get loose and it can cause all kinds of accuracy problems. If you are serious about using a scope on an air gun, you must choose the best of it.

Posted about 4 years ago by 172.68.X.X Report as SPAM
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