1.4 percent of online sales are fraud.

Bad Buyer List is a database for online sellers who have encountered problematic buyers and want to share their experiences with other sellers. Online sellers can search for potential bad buyers and avoid frauds and scam traps.

Instruction: you can search in our bad buyer list or report a bad buyer.

# Reported a bad buyer, but not received the confirmation mail?

Random bad buyers

Name/Username E-mail Phone Reported at Comments
mia 412-532-4665 ext. 99797 2020-02-02 1
Henry Harril 01234567-895 2020-10-06 1
Melissa Tackett 2020-01-08 0
Brandon Hutson and Gloria Cruz 9728320317 2020-08-06 0
Wes Thomas 7607536839 2019-04-08 0
Rosario Salgado 2016-08-02 0
Tiffany Robinson 613-732-2175 2022-04-21 0