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Bad Buyer: leilaod65


Purchase date:October 2020
Buyer's name:n/a
Buyer's username:leilaod65
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Jewelry & Watches

Buyer complained about shipping though he knew that there would be a shipping cost and it's readily available in the listing. They then left a negative for each item in the purchase (five in total) all about the shipping. eBay removed the feedback. Buyer then purchases five more items, complains about the shipping - and actually was dumb enough to say that if I do not reduce the shipping he'll leave more bad feedback...finally pays for the five (after it goes into unpaid item reminder status) and leaves negative feedback. It's removed again, and I canceled the sale. Buyer then opens a payment dispute for the initial five items, saying that they didn't come with everything mentioned in listing...but he's not asking for the full price of the order (144.93) but 57.99

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