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Bad Buyer: Lou LEE xtcaol456 <XTCAOL-456@YAHOO.COM>


Purchase date:November 2019
Buyer's name:Lou lee
Buyer's username:Lou LEE xtcaol456
Buyer's address2972 Pine Lake Rd UNIONTOWN, OH 44685
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:Credit Card

Customer bought and received an item in exactly same condition shown and described, but overlooked details in both description, and pictures. No messages prior to order were sent inquiring about the item. Buyer then sends an insulting message with demands for return authorization,"asap". This is followed by further insults suggesting we belong on a lower class selling platform(name omitted).

Customer was handled in a polite manner with a very detailed message on the circumstances, with an explanation why their return request was invalid. Even went as far as to directing them where to find the part that was not included.

Customer then retaliates and leaves negative feedback going on about a cordless phone, when there was no mention in the title, or body of description, making it plain and clear they had no clue as to what they were buying. Their abuse and insults were unwarranted, and lee failed to accept his/her error, or try to reconcile. Instead, lee rants in the feedback how it was our responsibility to educate them on the product. lee skews the facts in an amateur attempt to play innocent, all the while arrogantly misquoting our statements.

lee also stated that, "I've dealt with various vendors for years",(cut pasted from message)when their profile suggest otherwise... There doesn't seem to be dates associated with buyers on Etsy, but this buyer has very little activity on their profile to back up claims of being a long time active member of etsy.

During case dispute, this customer changed their position on the facts a total of 4 times, eventually placing the blame on etsy, for populating our listing in their search results. It was finally escalated to a case specialist who closed the case. This person is every sellers nightmare, the one who will never accept responsibility for their mistake, who goes beyond the normal boundaries of acceptable behaviour to save face.

lee should be avoided! No professional seller should have to put up with an abusive and conniving customer.

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Regardless, once a person files a dispute, they are not your friend! Let the idiot moron rant and rave and say what ever bullshit they want to do. As long as its documented on the sales page (advertisement) thats the legal document and terms. Its the payment method that decides who gets what. You have to take what the advertisement says and see it contradicting what the buyer is saying. The buyer purposely changed his story because he knew he was lying and was using every excuse possible. he tried to play the innocient victim and when he got caught lying, he changes the story. Make sure you include all the threats, his change of story and what your policies were. The second a person is abusing, cut all communication with them, especially if they make any types of black mail or threats. You paid Etsy, let them conclude what goes on. Cut all communication with the buyer and tell them everything is being documented and being forwarded to Etsy, his attiude will change.

Posted over 3 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

all idiots who this site are un-educated who uses foul languages like teenager, also The seller is in breach of ebay contact by providing customer detailed. The seller can also be sued for giving out personal information. Ebay has done this before to seller who uses this site.

Posted 11 months ago by 72.220.X.X Report as SPAM
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