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Bad Buyer: jonmur52 <>


Purchase date:September 2012
Buyer's name:John Murray
Buyer's username:jonmur52
Phone number:unknown
Buyer's address300 Life Care Ln, Carrollton MO 64633
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Specialty Services

Buyer bought a service from me for an unlock code for a Dell Laptop. After providing the code he claimed the item was never delivered b/c it was digital delivery via the eBay message system. Then threatened negative feedback if I reported him.

He is a scammer extraordinaire.

Buyer's IP address:unknown
Reported at:
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Same buyer did the same to me. He has used several usernames due to being banned for scamming. The username listed above is only a few months old.

He scammed me out of a laptop repair service and claimed the laptop was returned inoperable.

Same guy:
John Murray
300 Life Care Ln
Carrollton MO 64633-1861
United States

Posted over 11 years ago by 66.153.X.X Report as SPAM

LOL, nice job pretending to be a different person in the comments. You need to at least use a different computer when faking that you are another seller. We can all see the reporter IP address is the same.

Posted over 11 years ago by 71.198.X.X Report as SPAM

Wow. Aren't you a genius? Freaking tard. Google 3128 dumbass. I hate to break it to you but IPs are not as unique as you might think (NAT?). If IPv4 was supposed to run out 15 years ago, why is IPv6 not fully implemented yet? X.X in your "reporter IP" represents 16,384 networks with 65,536 IPs for each one of those ~17K networks. That is A LOT of IPs you are bundling together idiot (1,073,741,824 to be exact). You obviously googled your ebay username to find posts against it so you can figure out much simpler things like SOCKS4/5.

Posted over 11 years ago by 64.138.X.X Report as SPAM

What a kind, constructive and mature response. How nice of you to keep things so civil. Now for your next trick, please explain how the "commenter" left their comment at the exact same time you posted this report.

Posted over 11 years ago by 75.6.X.X Report as SPAM

Woah, I got the same first 5 IP digits again from the same computer. What are the chances of that? Please crunch the numbers for us lesser mentally equipped individuals.

Posted over 11 years ago by 71.198.X.X Report as SPAM

Well the guy is the one saying I am the same person who posted originally and that is not the case. That was the catalyst for the reaction. Obviously you 2 people have no idea what IP addressing is else you would understand the argument. Another thing I've noticed about scammers is they do not scam one person at the time. Much like a cast net they throw it out to see how many people they can scam. Obviously when multiple scam attempts in a short amount of time and sellers having no recourse of action except bad buyer's list I would not think it is too far fetched to think more than one potential victim might post about a scammer. You both are missing the point on the IPs and that is because you don't understand them. He say's WHOA I got the first 5 digits again, actually he got the first 16 bits again or first 2 octets aka network portion in a classful B network.

And for the posts being at the exact same time, geez how do you do your counting of calendar days. The OP posted about the person on a completely different day than I did.
Obviously both of you are not very smart if you can't understand very basic IP addressing and the use of proxy servers. So tell me why when I posted about the IPs was my first 2 octets different than my first post?

It obvious you 2 are over matched in this discussion b/c you can't understand basic facts and have nothing else to fall back on but insulting people and crying like babies when you get put in your place factually.

Go read some books, better yourselves. Then come back and maybe you can understand half of what I posted.

Posted over 11 years ago by 66.153.X.X Report as SPAM

The transaction to which we are referring ended rather late Sept 27th. If the mess occurred Sept 28-ish, that's 15 days, the exact number of days ago the first comment was left. No comment could have been left before the incident referred to in this report and there's no evidence on the person's account that they wronged additional people with the same item (item was very specific), leading some to believe the first commenter and the original poster are the same. In fact jonmur has very few transactions (~7 or 8 at the time the report was posted) and they left the poster of this report POSITIVE feedback. .... The poster must be a rather petty individual, writing this whole report for a mere $1.98 item they only had to email. The seller (apparently carolinaresales it seems?) got POSITIVE feedback from the buyer, then stabbed the buyer in the back with this silly report. .... Jonmur has left everyone positive feedback. How could they be a scammer? Scamming a $1.98 item? Thats a new one :/

Posted over 11 years ago by 71.198.X.X Report as SPAM

Oops, my bad. You can just see the purchase date of the item matches up with the date on the report, and the date on the report matches the date the first comment was left. AND the visible IP numbers match for the commenter and reporter. AND the postitive feedback jonmur left referred to an issue with the code, alluding to the situation described in this report. AND the commenter added "used several usernames" without GIVING US THE USERNAMES. Wouldn't that info be given by carolinasales if it were true? So what are these usernames? Banned for scamming? (Any experienced seller knows it takes the power of heaven and earth to ban a buyer lol) Why is their account still active? Why've they not changed their name?

Posted over 11 years ago by 71.198.X.X Report as SPAM

LOL, the seller who posted this is CAROLINASALES. CAROLINASALES wrote up this report for a $1.98 item they only had to email. It didn't work for the buyer and the buyer (jonmur) left POSITIVE feedback and "returned" the item. Oh what a traumatizing transaction that must've been for you CAROLINASALES. .... And I'm interested to hear what these several other supposed usernames are, to which the "commenter" referred.

Posted over 11 years ago by 75.6.X.X Report as SPAM

The item was never paid for and was not returned. I was kind enough to cancel the transaction despite the buyer not paying for the item. His FB clearly states he did not use the service meaning he didn't pay for it nor did I send him a code. Out of kindness I cancelled the transaction so it would not hurt him for an Unpaid Item. This site is for listing buyers who do not pay and that is why I listed this buyer's info b/c he DID NOT PAY for the item and there was nothing to return. Get your facts straight before posting bullshit. Obviously you are JohnMur or another non-paying loser. I personally have nothing too much against this JohnMur but I feel it is my duty to report non-paying bidders/buyers. For you folks who tend to support non-paying bidders you are either the buyer who didn't pay or you are a non-paying buyer yourself who is pissed about being on this list yourself. I did help JohnMur so he would not get a UPI against his account and suddenly I am the bad guy? That is hilarious.

Obviously you people defending him are complete idiots. You have no clue what IP addressing is and you claim the item didn't work for him when he clearly stated he DID NOT USE THE SERVICE. If you can't comprehend simple statements you are just making yourself look like an idiot.

Posted over 11 years ago by 66.153.X.X Report as SPAM

You folks clearly don't understand anonymous proxy servers that anyone with half a brain uses to post to these sites. There are over 30 anonymous proxies listed in the 66.153.X.X network address. Which obviously is above your non-techies head. If you had half a brain you would use proxy servers for anonymity when posting to sites like this. Like I said I don't have any major issue with the Bidder except he purchased the service and either didn't pay or paid and backed out of it which cost me time and money. If you can't understand that you are obviously an idiot. Regardless of the cost of the item, this site is for buyers who don't fulfill their responsibilities and that is why this was posted. So it is obvious you trolls are deadbeat eBayers who are defending someone who was obviously in the wrong. If you can't understand simple IP addressing as I posted before then that just shows you are mentally challenged and can't even comprehend IT basics. You have been proven wrong on ALL your statements and if you want to send more stupid statements I will happily blow them out the water like I have with all your statements. Go troll someone elses posts who isn't by far superior to your lame excuses and might not be able to shoot down your lame comments about IP's and your stupid comments about the buyer who clearly says he didn't use the service causing me to cancel the transaction which is a waste of my time and money.

Every comment you all have made has been shot down and even though you don't have the intellect to understand how badly I shamed you it would be best for you trolls to move on to someone that is mentally retarded so that you might have a chance of arguing with them cause you aren't getting anywhere arguing with me. I just make you look like a freaking idiot with no mental capacity to even hold a conversation with someone with half a brain. Go read up on IP addressing.

Posted over 11 years ago by 66.153.X.X Report as SPAM

This is why the buyer was reported on this site. Due to the threatening messages he sent as follows:

jonmur52 sent:
"You claim on the site that you can get me an unlock code within a few hours and then after a commit, you say the delivery will be "next week" I don't want to wait till next week and I don't know when I will be home. So I therefor backed out. If you can get this code for me right away I will be glad to pay."

I sent:
Dear jonmur52,

"Are you going to send the information I need to unlock your hard drive. The listing tells you exactly what you are supposed to send. Or are you just not going to pay and go through the whole unpaid item process?"

Jonmur52 sent back:
"As I stated, I committed to this with the understanding that this could and would be done within a few hours and then once the commitment is made. If you want to go through the unpaid item process well go for it I guess, cause I don't give a shit. I'll just tell ebay that you changed the rules once I committed, just like you did and if all of this BS is worth your dollar or two then you must be really hard up."

So you tell me who the asshole is. I actually provide this service to help eBay members. Before I started providing codes for absolutely no profit it was just to help members from getting ripped off. Before I started providing codes people were charging $30-$50 for the codes and I charged $.99 to $1.98 depending on the code needed. So I am the bad guy who is helping folks from getting ripped off? His comments are truly bullshit and threatening. If he had been smart enough to generate his own unlock codes then he would not have had any need for my service. He posted bullshit excuses of why he didn't want to pay and he didn't pay. So you idiots trying to back this non-paying bidder just shows you are trolls who are non-paying bidders yourself.

Get your facts straight before putting down an eBay user who devotes his time to help fellow users from getting scammed like they were before I began selling the same service for 99 cents rather than 30-50 bucks. Not other sellers are forced to reduce their prices. I profit 45 cents for each code and I am the bad guy. You guys are truly lamers for attempting to bash a person who is helping the community from getting ripped off. What a joke you guys are.

Posted over 11 years ago by 66.153.X.X Report as SPAM

Classy and calm as usual I see. Nice double post, you are obviously a very sharp IT person.

Posted over 11 years ago by 71.198.X.X Report as SPAM

Your current account conflicts with your report. Your report states "After providing the code he claimed the item was never delivered", then your recent comment states: "he didn't pay for it nor did I send him a code". Where you lying then or are you lying now?

Your listing description states delivery "rarely takes more than a few hours." Your description goes on to insinuate that in the worst case, it could "take a little longer". When you told the buyer it'd take a week instead of a few hours, don't you think that'd be off-putting to someone who expected to get it in "a few hours" as stated in your listing? They said they'd be glad to get the product if you could meet your own terms. Then you replied THAT rudely?

If jonmur actually said that, why didn't you put it in the report? Don't you think that's kind of relevant? Why would that info conveniently come out 1.5 months later and only after someone called you out?

Posted over 11 years ago by 71.198.X.X Report as SPAM

After explaining IP addresses, I did not counter you, but you (rather rudely) repeated the same thing more than a dozen times (not including the double post, that'd make it about 15 or so). To me you said "You have been proven wrong on ALL your statements" but you are referring only to the IP remark, to which I did not disagree. You didn't even address the fact I pointed out that the "commenter" posted at the same time the report was written. You didn't address the allegations you made about the multiple usernames and my request to disclose them. Since I've apparently "been proven wrong on ALL [my] statements", please prove those statements wrong. Thank you! Best Wishes

Posted over 11 years ago by 71.198.X.X Report as SPAM

"Buyer was kind despite not using the service. Had to cancel transaction Nice Guy" Carolinaresales (the writer of this report) left that feedback comment for jonmur yesterday.

Posted over 11 years ago by 71.198.X.X Report as SPAM

Thanks for taking the bait. I posted a positive comment just to see if you would notice and respond back on this site. I know just any troll complaining would not monitor another user's eBay account and considering you posted this within a couple hours and possibly just a few minutes after I left the baited positive feedback it proves that you are in fact jonmur52. How hilarious. You are claiming other's are imposters and you are in fact the imposter. Faking like you are someone defending the obvious non-paying feedback extortionist and the entire time YOU ARE JONMUR52. ROFL. I guess you comments about putting things in layman's terms were actually asking for me to dumb down my answers so you could understand them.

Let it be known, THIS IDIOT IS BUSTED. Nice try JONMUR52 at attempting to hide your identity in an effort to defend some supposed unknown eBay user. Nice try but next time don't fall for such a simple bait attempt that a kindergartner could've recognized. What a freaking loser!!!! BUSTED BUSTED BUSTED Dumbass! LOL

Posted over 11 years ago by 64.138.X.X Report as SPAM

I am in fact quite pleased you have settled on the incorrect identity for me. I was worried you'd somehow manage to look up who I am and bother me on eBay, but now I don't have to worry. Although it makes sense to assume I am jonmur, anyone can see the comment you left by clicking the link to jonmur's feedback. Anyone can look up what the item was. Anyone could assess the situation. I have in fact checked his account multiple times to look up the item, his feedback to you and check the description you wrote (and did not adhere to). May I ask though, if I was jonmur, why would I not indicate this exchange in "my" feedback (via follow-up comment)? Why wouldn't I report this to ebay or discuss it with you over ebay? ..... Incidentally you have failed at least twice to even address my earlier statements. Regardless of who you think I am or how right you think you are, you should still be able to answer the questions: (1) How did the commenter and author of this report post at the exact same time? and (2) What are these supposed other usernames used by jonmur? and now (3) Why is such detrimental evidence (the rude message) only conveniently coming out 1.5 months later in the comments? ....

Back to some baseball...

Posted over 11 years ago by 75.6.X.X Report as SPAM

By the way, I would like to challenge you to address me with the same calmness and courtesy that I use to address you. Best Wishes

Posted over 11 years ago by 75.6.X.X Report as SPAM

Daaaaym, that jonmur guy made u look pretty dumb! LOL

Posted over 11 years ago by 76.94.X.X Report as SPAM

CAROLINARESALES wrote this fake report. Someone should write a report on them. READ THE ABOVE COMMENTS, THEY ADMIT TO LYING.

Posted over 11 years ago by 88.25.X.X Report as SPAM


Posted over 11 years ago by 88.25.X.X Report as SPAM


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Posted over 6 years ago by 108.162.X.X Report as SPAM
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