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Bad Buyer: TherapyDragon


Purchase date:March 2023
Buyer's name:Levi Whisenhunt
Buyer's username:TherapyDragon
Phone number:+1 918-441-3973
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal

I'm preemptively making a report here regarding my username, therapydragon, because a man by the name of Levi Whisenhunt has been harassing me by impersonating me online.

He has made a Twitter profile impersonating my business and retweeting sexual images of underage children, as well as trying to make me look like a bigot by making racist remarks. He has also previously slandered me by making posts here on badbuyerlist trying to make me look like a scammer.

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Levi here. Here is another post confirming TherapyDragon is a scalper --

And proof they contact eBay to remove negative feedback, as they did with mine--

Posted 3 months ago by 47.217.X.X Report as SPAM

The fact that Levi replied so quickly after I got Twitter to remove the impersonation account only goes to prove that the impersonation account was made by Levi. He would have received an email notification saying his impersonation account was suspended.

Posted 3 months ago by 104.63.X.X Report as SPAM

Incorrect. I had an argument with someone on Facebook and they sent me a screenshot of the other report you made lol.

Posted 3 months ago by 47.217.X.X Report as SPAM

Proof of said screenshot. TherapyDragon is making stuff up in their demented head to try and frame me as a bad person when they're really just projecting.

Posted 3 months ago by 47.217.X.X Report as SPAM

You honestly expect me to believe that this supposed third party knew to look on this website, when this specific entry doesn't show up in any search engines?

There's only one person who would have received an email that their impersonation account was suspended AND knew to look on this obscure website where they've previously had altercations, and that's you.

Posted 3 months ago by 104.63.X.X Report as SPAM

I also have a saved copy of the old (now deleted) entries, showing Levi saying "therapydragon supports beastiality and pedophilia" simply for having a profile picture of Tohru from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. I can't think of a more pathetic take on anime from a man who has never taken a step outside midwestern USA.

Posted 3 months ago by 104.63.X.X Report as SPAM

Yeah it doesn't show up because I reported it for doxxing, retard. Lol. Not that any of that info from 3 years ago is correct anymore anyway.

Posted 3 months ago by 47.217.X.X Report as SPAM

I took it down myself because you took your own impersonation posts down, so I thought we had been past this. Also, it is a self-own when you fail to deny the allegations that you impersonated me in the first place. It is not illogical to think that someone who impersonated me in the past would also try to impersonate me again, as you did on Twitter by projecting your own attractions toward underage persons.

Posted 3 months ago by 104.63.X.X Report as SPAM

Levi Whisenhunt has now made a second twitter account impersonating me while posting sexual content. Further harassment will force me to subpoena Twitter/X for records and file a slander lawsuit for damages of thousands of dollars.

Posted 20 days ago by 104.63.X.X Report as SPAM

LMAO dude... Do you really think I care about an eBay order that you cancelled like four years ago? For an anime figure of all things xD You're not that important, man. Please get a life, move on, and stop harassing me. If anything, you're the one slandering me on *this* website. I have nothing to do with whatever twitter account you are talking about. None of the contact information above is even correct anymore. That just shows how old this is if you're still using that info lol. I have archived the two threads you have made about me on here and still have the other three you've made on me in the past. Please leave me alone.

Posted 19 days ago by 47.217.X.X Report as SPAM

So you're saying that the 11 new posts on the fake Twitter profile in the last 24 hours in response to my new comment are just a coincidence?

Posted 19 days ago by 104.63.X.X Report as SPAM

Yes. What is the accounts name? I'll even report it for you.

Posted 19 days ago by 47.217.X.X Report as SPAM

I only see 3 accounts on Twitter with the name TherapyDragon and none of them seem to be impersonating you. One was even created today which I assume you did?

Posted 19 days ago by 47.217.X.X Report as SPAM

Don't try to gaslight. I got Twitter to take down your impersonation account.

Posted 18 days ago by 104.63.X.X Report as SPAM
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