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Bad Buyer:


Purchase date:March 2022
Buyer's name:Joshua Smith
Buyer's username:n/a
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal

He is the classic self-righteous paranoid. His needs and concerns are paranoid and even just looking for a fight. Dwelling on details that are strange and have no impact. Accepts only the results and answers he wants and anticipates in any situation. Any explanation or clarification from you will not make any sense to him. Before you strike a deal with him, I hope you think twice about whether you would be willing to get a baad reeview and months of harassment and insults for a few hundred dollars (he's very smart and he doesn't use insulting words directly. He will attck and devalues you by extremely forceful but polite attitude to you ). Every moment we interacted with him was painful. Two of my employees even needed to see a psychiatrist because of it. I think he made good use of his suffocating personality and "communication" skills to always get free stuff. Okay, for the health of my employees, you win. Take your stinking money. Let's never see each other again.

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Finally, someone report this disgusting guy. He Lives in Oklahoma right?
“suffocating felling”, hahhaha, that is a very vivid description. Every time I talk to him, I would rather kill myself. Very painful communications, can't breathe while talking to him. Same, Refund his money, say goodbye to him forever.

Posted over 1 year ago by 173.242.X.X Report as SPAM

Someone in a seller's group I was in dug up more information about this guy. He is said to be particularly jealous and paranoid and suspicious. A black guy in his neighborhood bought a car, and he didn't think the guy looked like he could afford a new car before, so he called law enforcement to report that his neighbor had obtained a sum of money through illegal means and bought a car. He hysterically demanded that law enforcement must investigate that neighbor. And as it turns out, that neighbor worked hard and saved money to buy a car. In short, he couldn't stand the fact that other people were better off than he was, or that other people had made themselves better by their own efforts. It was said that he had inherited a large sum of money, so he didn't need to work, so he had plenty of time to focus and dwell on trivial matters. And using various means to harass people he doesn't like. I think his personality must have made a lot of enemies.

Posted over 1 year ago by 173.242.X.X Report as SPAM
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