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Bad Buyer: a2zpik <>


Purchase date:July 2017
Buyer's name:n/a
Buyer's username:a2zpik
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal

Do not seller to this buyer,he will make the whole communication a disaster. He made a typo in his first message saying "wheteabouts is an item" , everyone who speak English knows that "wheteabouts" is not a word,and the sentence is wrong,we cannot get his idea clear,so we ask him to confirm what he mean. He suddenly act like totally freak out,and insult us, saying Racial discrimination. He said "wheteabouts" in his second message after we confirm the meaning,but act like we are the one who is stupid, saying we are bad and English as he clear made typo in first message to get people confused.and act like we have no right to confirm the meaning with him,and he is always right.
This guy is totally out of his mind

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This guy also brought something from us before,he is totally a joke. His English is very bad, made a lot of typo and type a sentence in a total mysterious grammar. Even god don't understand what he try to say. We try to help him,and ask him to tell us more details, He got mad on us, and saying we are stupid,and our poor English not even understand his simply English.
WTF? If that is a small typo,that is OK,we can guess out the meaning,But Your Enligish sentence is make no sense,and you act like you are professional in English?!How can we help you if what your said is totally not able to understand? So why get mad when we try to figure out what you mean?

Posted over 7 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

After we provides evidence, he finally start to admit a little about something "I use my phone to send message ". And saying "you don't have to argue this small thing with me"

Hey, wake the f**k up,who start the argument first?

If other buyer send confusing message,we confirm with them,they would easily rephrase what they try to say in more clear way,and we will help them quickly
But you, you act like we should get the meaning clear while you writing disaster horrible English sentence that no one can understand.And we should not confirm the meaning with you
No need to be shame on typo or bad Engish,but you should be shame on your bad attitudes
We think his English is really bad,when we confirm the meaning with him,he feel embarrassed,and he bad personality tells him should fight back.

Posted over 7 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM
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