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Bad Buyer: Kelvin Teo <>


Purchase date:January 2016
Buyer's name:Kelvin Teo
Buyer's username:Kelvin Teo
Phone number:(65)82002215
Buyer's address183 Jalan Pelikat, #03-33 S537643
Buyer's country:Singapore
Payment method:Credit Card
Category:Home & Garden

The buyer bought a dressing table set on 20/01/2016 and we delivered to his registered address (have delivery record from delivery company). He raised a chargeback on 7/3/2016. After an investigation, the credit card issuer decided on buyer's favor. Until now we don't understand why the issuer made such decision since we have all the evidence to support we delivered the right goods to the buyer's address. Yet PayPal refused to offer any info or evidence. PayPal replied saying they couldn't do anything to help the seller but follow bank decision as this is the rules they signed with bank in order to receive credit card payment. Now the seller lost both goods and money. For seller, this is definitely a scam case.

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