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Bad Buyer: Wayne Padula <>


Purchase date:March 2018
Buyer's name:Wayne Padula
Buyer's username:Wayne Padula
Phone number:781-925-0080
Buyer's address21 Richards Road Hull, MA 02045
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:Credit Card
Category:Computers & Networking

When the time comes of passing a law that states stupid people will not be allowed to have credit cards, expect Wayne Padula to pay cash for everything he buys! He's another classic case of some stupid old fucken moron that will purposely initiate disputes because he's too stupid to read and follow directions. This asshole moron thinks he can do whatever he wants and couldnt give 2 shits about a legal agreement. Will find out when the item ships, then make up his own delivery time and dispute the item for non receipt of merchandise. This asshole is going to be brought up on mail order fraud charges, total lying bullshit artist. We obtained the actual bank documents to see how much a 2 bit liar this asshole was and we were correct. This worthless lying piece of shit, lies about having contacted our company with no documented evidence and then his asshole has the balls to say that we were not willing to help him. Kept on initiating lie after bullshit like to convince his credit card company that he was the so called victim. As we're reading the document this asshole moron contradicts himself after ever question. Then this moron has the absolute balls to go into our support site and then say I got the item and I paid via credit card. Once again this stupid moron thinks he can do whatever he wants. Instead of placing a signature in the field and right down below it says, to place nothing else other than a signature, this illiterate jackass places a message. Wayne you stupid asshole thief, expect a collections agency, the USPS postal inspectors office, your local police department, and our legal department to be filing law suits against you. Your nothing but a 2 bit lying thief that is going to have charges brought against you! Promise!

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This asshole likes to play games, will purposely refuse letters taking this lying 2 bit asshole to court. Well we're just going to forgo collections and just take this asshole to court. Right now this asshole is going to have postal fraud charges filed against him.

Posted almost 7 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

To help other seller like myself against such horrible buyer, please be sure to enter his correct eBay user name in the proper field, instead of his name. You entered his name twice and I cannot find him on eBay that way. His user name will always be different from his listed name. Thanks!

Posted over 6 years ago by 172.68.X.X Report as SPAM
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