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Bad Buyer: quin_ra


Purchase date:October 2014
Buyer's name:Thai Trinh
Buyer's username:quin_ra
Buyer's addressUnion City, CA
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal

Buyer bought the item, and wanted it asap, so I shipped it next day, and then, after 20 days, buyer opened a case on ebay stating the "wifi is slow", and then I replied with the buying rules and the item was listed as bidding and as is. Then buyer said "wifi is not working the item is defective". Buyer also wanted to teach me--a MBA about some business ethics lessons. Yeah! you told me different story about the item you want to teach me about the business? Ebay customer service helped me closed case, and buyer opened "chargeback" on paypal today, after 2 months of purchasing the item, and 1 month after the ebay case closed. He lied about the transaction to the bank. This is really sick! Do not ever sell anything to this buyer! BIG MISTAKE! ENDLESS HEADACHE! Even he knows he already lost and now started unreasonable requires.

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