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Bad Buyer: mnm-maniacs <>


Purchase date:October 2013
Buyer's name:Bennett Young
Buyer's username:mnm-maniacs
Buyer's address6745 Shadowood Street Riverside CA 92506
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal

Mr./Mrs.? Young purchased a new battery from me. They received the battery, and immediately contacted me saying the battery was bad, and wouldn't hold a charge. I offered a full refund upon returning it. They refused to return the battery and demanded a full refund. I was accused of having a bad attitude even though I was trying to be helpful and accommodate them. I should have known something was fishy by the buyers private feedback, and constantly messaging me wanting to know about shipping details and cost, when it shipped, the condition of said battery. Any literate EBay user should be able to read item description/details and read tracking information. How am I supposed to know the battery is bad if the buyer refuses to send it back? This scammer wanted to keep an $80.00 battery and keep her money. (sigh) some people...

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