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Bad Buyer: pandabearyay <>


Purchase date:November 2019
Buyer's name:Taralle Lucas
Buyer's username:pandabearyay
Buyer's address17830 Murdock Circle APT 101 ‌Port Charlotte ‌FL ‌US ‌33948
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Health & Beauty

The buyer cried counterfeit on a skincare item she claimed she didn't like the smell of but used anyway. She didn't attempt to contact me first, but instead went straight to open a dispute on PayPal claiming I sold her counterfeit product. During the dispute period, she referenced a previous buyer's review -- another buyer whom didn't so much as request a return nor attempt to contact me for proof of purchase -- which smeared my name claiming I had sold her counterfeit product. The buyer saw Joanne Paylor's recent review of her purchase from October, one she waited to review just so that she could spread her garbage lies all over my profile and cause me double the trouble, including this scumbag and her claim. I also posted proof of purchase to my depop profile for the lowlife before her that made these infuriating claims against my business.
I provided proof of purchase not only for the item which they had purchased, but also illustrated that the item is one I continuously kept in stock since as early as July 2019 (and actually I have earlier receipts that show I've stocked the item consistently since May 2019.)
Despite this, the imbecile escalated the dispute literally moments before I tried to. I am still working with PayPal at this moment, but if history has taught me anything it is that whining worthless "buyers" like this are often rewarded for their temper tantrums. I'm sick of just letting these people get away with small business murder and not acting at all. Terrible people like this deserve to have it be public knowledge that they are garbage.

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