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Bad Buyer: <>


Purchase date:July 2020
Buyer's name:Matthew Vizcaino
Phone number:6098919105
Buyer's addressManahawkin, New Jersey 08050
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:Credit Card

I wouldn't have bothered with this, but buyer has decide now decided to leave a negative BBB review for his issue from 2015.

This customer pre-ordered and purchased items from us for a two year period from 2014 – 2015. On his last shipment from us an item arrived damaged. The customer asked to return both items from this shipment. We arranged to have this items shipped back to us, at our cost, and informed him that a full refund would be issued upon return. This was September 17, 2015.

During the time while we were awaiting the return of these items, the customer placed another pre-order with us and left a non-refundable deposit (September 24, 2015).

While still awaiting the return items to arrive, we received a credit card chargeback for deposits left on pre-order items that were submitted to our credit card company on September 20, 2015. Since this didn’t make sense that a chargeback would be opened and then another deposit left, we e-mailed the customer asking for clarification and to confirm that this was not a fraudulent charge being left. We informed the customer in the e-mail that we were placing his account on hold until we head back from him as we did not want any other possible fraudulent charges going through.

The chargeback was listed that items were not received and we replied back that items were never shipped, as these charges were non-refundable deposits left on pre-order items. This reply was submitted with the screenshots from our website stating that about pre-order deposits are non-refundable, screenshots of all his transactions showing these were deposits and all the Sales Orders we send to customers when placing a deposit that this deposit on non-refundable and non-transferable.
The items that were returned arrived and we issued a full refund back to the customer through his credit card.
The customer never replied back to us regarding our question about his new order and the credit card chargeback he submitted.
Two weeks later we received notification from our credit card company that they sided with us in regards to the chargeback.
A few days later, the customer called and screamed and cursed at us stating we did not issue him a refund for the damaged items. I explained if we can’t talk like reasonable people I will not continue to have this conversation. He told me to cancel all of his open pre-orders and either refund all his deposits or he was going to open chargebacks for all of them. He then hung up on us. As requested, we closed all his open pre-orders.
The customer then called back a few days later and was much calmer and we had a discussion going through this timeline. He admitted that his bank made a mistake in communicating with him regarding the chargeback and the refund. We never argued that we would not refund the damaged item and our reply was only to the refund for the deposit. During the course of this conversation he decided he no longer wished to do business with us and reiterated he wanted all his open pre-orders cancelled. He then demanded his deposits back and we again explained they were non-refundable. That was the end of that conversation.
The customer then opened multiple chargebacks for the deposits, to which we answered to our credit card company. The credit card company sided with us on each instance.

This customer has made these claims that we have stolen this money on multiple social media platforms and Yelp. To which we always reply with all of the information we listed above and have stated we have all of the e-mails, screenshots and sales orders to which we’ve referred and can gladly make them available.

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