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Bad Buyer: Samierola <>


Purchase date:June 2019
Buyer's name:Sami Erola
Buyer's username:Samierola
Phone number:00358451579340
Buyer's addressRiihimäki
Buyer's country:Finland
Payment method:other
Category:Cars, Boats, Vehicles & Parts

Ostin BMW häneltä, hän sanoi se oli hyvää kunnossa mutta kone on rikki nyt, oli oikeasti paha. Pelle!!
Arvasin jotain oli väärin, hän tuijotti tyttäreni peppulle koko ajan... Saatana!! Ruma läski kusipää.

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Similar reports

Name/Username E-mail Phone Reported at
Sami Pekka Erola 00358451579340 2019-06-21
Sami Erola 00358451579340 2019-10-10


rekisterinumero FGN-687 BMW 2D 316TI COMPACT-EZ51/273
uuden omistaja!!!, paha onnea hänelle (uuden omistajalle ;P ).

Posted over 4 years ago by 172.69.X.X Report as SPAM

Er bat mich, ihm Marihuana zu schicken und er würde mit Paypal bezahlen, aber ich bin kein Idiot.

Posted over 4 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

Hollantilainen Matthijs Serdijn vitsailee täällä kun sen huora muija heitti veivinsä

Posted about 3 years ago by 172.69.X.X Report as SPAM

Ps Matthijs Serdijn tykkää pikkupojista

Posted about 3 years ago by 172.69.X.X Report as SPAM

HAHA Finnish Sami Pekka Erola, found you here while googling my own name, wtf, seems you pissed off someone else too, I have to disappoint you, it was not me (this report), reading this, it seems you screwed someone else than me as well? Well have fun. You still own me at least 1600 € I received the first 40€ last month (check ulosotto = State collection agency), karma is a b*tch it seems. But little advice to you hence you seem to come here posting my name, accusing me falsely from making this report: Maybe you should stop posting this kind of weird messages about me, because soon the amount of money you own me get bigger with the next lawsuit. I mean it is so obvious that it is you who posted those messages with my name under a post that warns about you. Even the police agreed with me. I mean: no one else that googles your name and ends up here, would actually know my name but you. duh... are you stupid?? So everyone googling my name will find this post about you. Priceless!!

Posted almost 3 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

Bla bla 9mm in Dutch mouth

Posted over 2 years ago by 2001:999:21:9adc:586a:f13e:2a80:876b..X.X Report as SPAM

Sinä Hollannin paska olet kirjoittanut nämä paskat minusta.en ole myynyt enkä ostanut mitään Suomessa tai ulkomailla.lopeta nyt heti toi pelleily tai sinä tulet kokemaan itse Paskan karman saatanan psykopaatti...

Posted over 2 years ago by 2001:999:21:9adc:586a:f13e:2a80:876b..X.X Report as SPAM

It is funny reading this, you get to know all kind of stuff about others. But it is obvious here reading the comments that this [sic] "Finnish Sami Erola" is even resorting to threats to the Dutch guy who seems unrelated. If I have to break down the comments thread, the following can be understood: Finnish guy thinks Dutch guy made report and starts insulting him, obviously remarks about Dutch guy are from Sami, why else report here and how else would Dutch guys name be mentioned here.
The (in Europe) forbidden thing here though is the threat by this Sami Erola at the address of the Dutch guy. If I were the Dutch guy I would report it to the cops. This is obviously enough evidence, everyone can see the treats are made by the Finnish guy. Well that is just my 2 cents. It is also clear that the IPv6 address behind the post is easier to trace than a normal IPv4 address (although I doubt it is real). Interesting this thread, I will save it for later.

Posted about 2 years ago by 127.0.X.X Report as SPAM

Lässyn lässyn Cops cops. Vittu tollaset kyttien lutkat hakataan saatana

Posted over 1 year ago by 2001:14ba:421d:1a00:65c2:7389:ffb1:a407..X.X Report as SPAM
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