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Bad Buyer: allcointreasure <>


Purchase date:June 2012
Buyer's name:Mecca Consultants
Buyer's username:allcointreasure
Buyer's addressPO Box 5249 Beverly hills CA 90209-5249
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Cell Phones & PDAs

Buyer reported problems with purchased cell phone then returned a different completely broken phone, I refunded money before I looked at the return phone. After many emails buyer finally admitted that they may have sent the wrong phone to me and if I would ship their phone back they would send me the correct phone. After shipping phone back the buyer claimed their was a scratch on the screen that was not there when they shipped it to me, but that is exactly how I received the phone, buyer used this excuse to not return the original phone to me, everything this buyer said to me was a lie, if this buyer says there is something wrong with their purchase be VERY skeptical.

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